levik (levik) wrote,

Edward Bernays made me buy brand names

I was walking towards home from my parent's house the other day, and as a mental exercise tried to go through all the articles of clothing I was wearing and other things I had on me, and see if I can remember the brand name, where and when I got them and how much for. Here's what I came up with:

  • Keentm Shoes - off the internet in 2007 for around $70
  • Gaptm Socks - $4 - $5
  • American Eagletm Jeans - the AE store on Union square in 2006 for $40
  • American Appareltm underwear - $12 in one of their Manhattan stores
  • Esprittm T-Shirt - $25 from their Flatiron store in the spring of 2007
  • Energietm Shirt - $110 from Urban Outfitterstm in the village late in 2005
  • GStartm Hoodie - $180 in the GStar store by Union Square in October of 2007
  • Dieseltm Jacket - $350 from the store on Union Square in October of 2005
  • Guesstm Watch - $60 off the intenet
  • LeChateautm Horseshoe neck lace - $10 from the store on Broadway sometime in early 2007
  • Fossiltm Moneyclip - off the internet for around $20 - $30
  • Appletm iPod® - $250 from Apple's Soho store in 2005
  • Motorolatm RAZR® - around $300 from Verizon in December of 2005

The fact that there wasn't a single no-name brand item in my immediate possession made me a little depressed. I always try to avoid buying things that display their brand too prominently, and yet here I am - not only buying only brand-name things, but also remembering all of them. Am I becoming my fucking khakis? How much of my mental capacity was being wasted remembering crap like this? What was I doing walking around Brooklyn with over $1300 worth of STUFF?

To take my mind off such depressive thoughts, I went shopping.
Tags: gear, мысли

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  • Берн

    Берн - столица Швейцарии, хотя по размеру населения он находится аж на пятом месте в стране (после Цюриха, Женевы, Базеля и Лозанны). Однако, если вы…

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